Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Your Face is a Part of Your Brand

What does a Headshot/Profile image mean to me?
The purpose of headshots is understood in the acting/modeling world, but is becoming a necessity in the business world as well.  With the incredibly rapid growth of social media it's not just actors and models in need of distinguishing themselves visually.  In the business world today, we could all use a good headshot or profile image.  You want your client, fan, colleague to recognize you and stay with you.  But... that should not be all!  People make a lot of judgements on that first impression.  Your face is a part of your brand and drawing people in is not just done with good lighting.

Your image does count!  First impressions are lasting impressions, and although sometimes misleading, research shows that in many situations, our impressions of other people can be quite accurate.  It takes just one-tenth of a second for us to judge someone and make our first impression.

Your profile shot is on your website, linkedin, Facebook fan page, etc.  You are getting published and media is passing your information around.   If you've invested in a web site, a logo and then just throw any old photo of yourself on your social media sites and web, what are you telling your audience about who YOU really are?  Be prepared and forward thinking... You Do Need to Brand Your Face (chuckle)!

How does it make a difference?  

If you are a CEO and have your favorite photo someone took of you at a wedding on your website... what are you telling your colleagues?  That you look good in a suit and might throw back a couple drinks and chat a little.  But if you have a profile shot at your desk, it looks strong, engaged and capable, that is a very different first impression.  You are saying you are doing business.  I can count on you! 

If you are a classical musician, you likely have many projects that define you and distinguish you in your field.   Any old shot of you with your instrument is Not going to distinguish you with that first impression.  If you are a writer in a specific field, you need a shot that brands and reflects that.  If you are a talk show host you need an image that reflects that voice!  That profile shot needs to be as unique as you are.    

You should ask questions about yourself and your target audience.  Turn that profile image into something that is grabbing your potential client, colleague or fan, the way it should.  

Now go get 'em, engage, brand!!!

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